Power Wing

Power Wing

At the inception of WAPDA during the year 1958, there was only 112 MW Hydel installed capacity. After establishing WAPDA, first major Hydropower Project completed by WAPDA was Warsak Hydroelectric Power Station (160 MW) in 1961 which doubled the Installed Capacity of WAPDA. Prior to re-structuring completed in 2007, WAPDA established other generation source in addition to Hydro such as Steam / Gas Turbines, Combined Cycle & Coal.
Besides Electricity Generation, WAPDA established very large Network of Transmission & Distribution prior to re-structuring (2007) including 51,425 Km High Voltage (HV) and Extra High Voltage (EHV) Transmission Line, 705 Grid Stations, More than 187,648 km 11 KV High Tension (HT) and Low Tension (LT) Lines and
Electrification of more than 136,000 villages.


After Re-structuring in 2007, Power Wing was split up into 15 companies i.e. NTDCL, 10 DISCOs & 4 GENCOs with separate management. WAPDA's role is now limited to the Operation and Maintenance of the running Hydel Power Stations and future development of Water resources as well as Hydro Electric Power Stations.. The present mandate of WAPDA Power Wing is as under:-

Operation & Maintenance of Hydel Power Station

WAPDA is operating 21 Hydel Power Plants having total installed capacity of 8420 MW contributing & vital role to provide the cheap Hydel Energy to the National Grid Neelum Jhelum (969 MW) &Satpara (17.4 MW) are not included in WAPDA Hydroelectric Generation License and are being individually. Neelum Jhelum Hydropower company is responsible for O&M of Neelum Jehlum & Government of Gilgit Baltistan (GoGB) is responsible for O&M of Satpara Dam.

Presently, tasks / works include Correspondence with NEPRA regarding Proposed Modification for New & Upcoming Hydel Projects in existing Generation License of WAPDA Hydroelectric Power Plants, Preparation and Submission of Monthly Invoice to CPPA-G for sale of Energy, Processing of procurement Cases and Finalization of O&M Budget Estimates / Foreign Exchange Budgets for Hydel Power Station.

Rehabilitation of Existing Old Hydel Power Stations / Technical Monitoring of E&M Works of New Projects

Tasks / works consisting of Preparation of Concept papers / feasibility studies and PC-I, Review of Bidding/Prequalification Documents, Approvals of PC-I from competent forum of Authority / GoP levels, Preparation and Evaluation of Expression Of Interest Documents, Evaluation of Technical & Financial Proposals of Consultants, Coordinate with the Consultants in pre and post Contract Award activities and to monitor the progress of the work on daily, fortnightly and monthly basis regarding to Rehabilitation of Existing Old Hydel Power Stations / Technical Monitoring of E&M Works of New Hydro Projects are being performed.

  • Training activities

 Hydel Generation plays an important role to provide the cheep Hydel Energy to the system. Trained and skilled staff is the back bone to run the system efficiently without any interruption and by increasing the availability and reliability of the system. To achieve the goals following setup of the Training Directorate is functioning.

  1. WAPDA Administrative Staff College, Islamabad
  2. WAPDA Engineering Academy, Faisalabad
  3. WAPDA Examination Directorate
  4. Mangla Hydel Training Centre, Mangla

WAPDA Administrative Staff College, Islamabad

The task of Staff College is to impart training of officers of WAPDA and Administrative skills including Project & Contract Management and Computer. base application programmers
WAPDA Engineering Academy, Faisalabad
The Academy being unique of its kind in the country is playing vital role in
boosting up the technical known-how (electrical, mechanical, civil laboratories / workshops and gas, steam, analogue simulators) of Engineers and supervisory staff representing public and private sector.
WAPDA Examination Directorate
This Directorate is responsible to conduct Departmental Examination of BPS-16 to BPS-18 and Induction Examination of Officers of WAPDA.
Mangla Hydel Training Centre, Mangla.
This training centre is primarily responsible for training of subordinate staff and Hydel Engineers in their respective fields. In addition, orientation of new recruited Engineer pertaining to their job, Refresher Courses of WAPDA Engineers mandatory before promotion are also conducted in the Training Centre.


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