Keyal Khwar Hydropower Project

Keyal Khwar Hydropower Project

The Project is located on Keyal Khwar Nallah, a right bank tributary of the Indus River in Lower Kohistan District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa situated at a distance of 310 km from Islamabad on Karakoram Highway.
Salient Features
  • Gross Head
732 m  
  • Design Discharge
20 m3/sec
  • Installed Capacity
128 MW
  • Annual Energy
418 GWh                              


To Generate Electricity

Execution by

Consultants Keyal Hydropower Consultants (KHC), JV of Lahmeyer Int., NDC and EASE-PAK

Civil Works

Contract terminated and Re-tendering in process      

E&M Works

Re-tendering for KKHPP-03 is under process.

Donor Agencies KfW Germany, European Investment Bank (EIB)
Commencement Date August 2016
Completion Date Contract terminated on 08.12.2017
Financial Status (Rs. Million) Local Foreign Total
1st Revised PC-I Cost (12.09.2014) 16,719.703 9,364.475 26,084.178
PSDP Allocation 2022-2023            600.000 300.000 900.000


• Feasibility Study completed in October 2007.
• Detailed Engineering Design completed in December 2011.
• The Contract for Civil & Hydraulic Steel Works terminated due to non-performance of Civil Works Contractor on 08.12.2017. The Contractor has handed over the entire Project to the Employer on 30.01.2018.
• WAPDA requested M/s KfW for issuance of “No Objection” to proceed with bidding process of the Civil Works Contract.
• WAPDA, requested Member (Energy) Planning Commission to look into the matter with regard to approval of PC-I as M/s AFD has been repeatedly mentioning that for signing of the Loan Agreement of Euro 120 Million, it is a condition precedent to get the 3rd revised PC-I approved from the competent forum.
• Pre-CDWP Meeting held on 09.12.2021. Planning Commission returned the PC-I and requested to resubmit after getting updated cost of Main Civil and E&M Contract to avoid further revision.

Contract KKHPP-02 (Civil Works)

• Out of 22 companies who purchased the PQ documents, only 04 Numbers PQ applications were received from International Bidders on due date of 29.01.2021.

• Revised Evaluation Report was shared with Kfw on 05-07-2022, however, certain observations were raised by Kfw on 05-07-2022, which have been responded 22.07.2022.
• As per requirement of Kfw, the electronic version of tender documents for civil works contract was shared with Kfw on 23.08.2022.

Contract KKHPP-03 (Civil Works)

  •  Pre-Qualification of Application is in process.

In charge of the Project
Engr. Abdul Razzaq
Chief Engineer/Project Director Keyal HPP
Contact No. 0092-57-2640628

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