Generation License

Generation License

WAPDA is responsible for operation, maintenance, up-gradation and expansion of its in-operation hydel power stations and construction of new hydel power projects on Built, Own and Operate (BOO) basis.

Being the largest and bona fide supplier of hydel power in the country, WAPDA Hydroelectric holds significant strategic importance for the country. WAPDA Power Wing (Hydroelectric) is operating under generation license granted in 2004 by the Power Regulator ‘NEPRA’, for operation, maintenance and development of hydel power resources in Pakistan.

NEPRA has recently approved the revised installed capacity of 17,360 MW for Twenty Four (24) hydel power stations of WAPDA out of which 5 are under construction. Nineteen (19) Hydel power stations with generation capacity of 6,902 MW are active out of which Four (4) projects of 350 MW capacity were completed during FY 2014. Major in-operation Hydel projects include Tarbela, Ghazi Barotha and Mangla with generation capacity of 3,478 MW, 1,450MW and 1,000 MW, respectively.

Hydel generation is directly dependent upon the extent of water available. From the present installed capacity of 6,902 MW, the annual net electrical output (NEO) has been estimated as 31,500 GWh on average.


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