Chitral Hydel Power

Chitral Hydel Power

The existing 1.0 MW Chitral Hydel Power Station is located on the right bank of Lutkho River, 5 km upstream of Chitral City. The Project was commissioned in 1975 by diverting the flows of Lutkho River through 3.72 km long channel and installing 2 units of 200 kW and 2 units of 300 kW each. The power generated from Chitral Hydel Power Station is supplied to Chitral City through 11 kV Transmission Line.

The power demand in Chitral area has now been increased and there is a dire need to upgrade the capacity of existing Hydel Power Station at Chitral. In the initial construction phase of Project, limited flows of Lutkho River were diverted to Power Channel for generation of 1 MW only. However the river has abundant flows which can be utilized for Power Generation by constructing a small diversion weir, remodeling of power channel & fore bay and installation of new penstocks and additional units. It is estimated that the Power can be enhanced up to 5 MW.

Topographic Survey, Geological Mapping for weir Intake, Power Channel and Power House areas and drilling at weir and Power House area were carried out. Tender Design Report has already been completed.

The estimated cost of the Project is USD 21.888 million and completion time is 3 years.

Financial Information

Base cost:

US $ 17.805 Million (PKR 1829.454 Million)

Total Cost:

US$  21.888 Million (PKR 2188.835Million)

FIRR with/without CDM:

15.6 / 15.0%

EIRR with/without CDM: 19.86 / 18.96%

Salient Technical Features

Installed Capacity 5 MW
Number of Units 2 Francis Horizontal
Rated Design Flow 16 m3/sec
Gross Head 37.8 meter
Net Head 36.5 to 37.2 meter
Expected Annual Energy 42.08 GWh against the existing Avg. Energy of 4.13 GWh.

Present Status

  • The PC-I for Capacity Enhancement of Chitral Hydel Power Station Project amounting to Rs. 2,188.835 Million has been approved by Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms on 08.03.2017.
  • AFD’s financing for the project has been finalized and approved by their board. Credit Facility Agreement has yet not been signed.
  • The EoI for shortlisting of Engineering Firms for the Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design, Preparation of Tender Documents and Construction Supervision for Implementation is under evaluation.
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