Naulong Dam Project

Naulong Dam Project

On Mula River at Sunt about 30 km from Gandawa City in District Jhal Magsi of Balochistan Province.
Salient Features
  • Type of Dam
Zone Earth fill  naulong
  • Height of Dam
186 ft.
  • Length of Dam
2,996 ft.
  • Gross Storage
242,163 AF
  • Live Storage  
199,956 AF
  • CCA
47,000 Acres
  • Power Generation
4.4 MW
Execution by WAPDA
Supervision Consultants Consortium of M/s PES – ACE – BARQAAB – DMC
Contractor -
Commencement Date Not yet Commenced
Completion Date 36 months after commencement
Financial Status (Rs. Million) Local Foreign Total
1st Revised PC-I Cost (26.03.2020) 21,538.000 6,927.000 28,465.000
PSDP Allocation 2022-23 490.000 10.000 500.000
  • Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design completed in 2009.
  • 2nd Revised PC-I submitted to Planning Commission through MoWR on 10.12.2015, however CDWP in its meeting held on 14.01.2016 decided that due to financial constraints, the PC-I cannot be recommended for approval by ECNEC and advised to approach EAD or any other Donor Agency to finance the project.
  • MoWR lifted the embargo on expenditure of the Project on 24.03.2020 for completion of ADB studies and preparation of Modified PC-I of the Project. Accordingly, part payment was made to consultants on 20.05.2020 against their outstanding liabilities for completion of ADB’s studies.
  • The updated 2nd Revised PC-I approved by ECNEC on 26.03.2020 at a cost of Rs.28,465 Million with FEC of Rs.6,927 Million with the directions that (i) Command Area Development Works will be included in the current PC-I cost and will be executed by WAPDA (ii) Modified PC-I of the Project will be prepared on fast track basis and (iii) Economic Affairs Division may initiate negotiation with ADB for funding of the Project, which however will be finalized after approval of the modified PC-I.
  • PC-I was discussed in CDWP meeting held on 10.01.2022, wherein CDWP has recommend the same to ECNEC for approval.

Financial Arrangements:

  • ADB’s loan Fact Finding Mission visited Pakistan from 13 to 23 May 2022 and held meetings with GoB, WAPDA, MoWR & EAD regarding Project Readiness Financing (PRF) for processing Project funding. Aide memoire was issued by ADB on 31.05.2022 under which the commencement of Project works is reflected in August-2024.
  • WAPDA is currently completing the advance actions for securing Project Readiness Financing of US$ 4.36 Million.
  • WAPDA on the directions of ADB of advance contracting has published the advertisement for Expression of Interest for procurement of Consultants for Review and update of Detailed design, preparation of procurement documents, safeguard documents update whereas the draft RFP for Consulting services for Stakeholders Engagement and Social Mobilization to be carried out through BRSP on Single Source Selection is also forwarded to ADB for NOL.

In charge of the Project
Engr. Javed Qazi
Chief Engineer / Project Director
Naulong Dam Project
Contact No. 0092-74-4753330

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