Tank Zam Dam Project

Tank Zam Dam Project

Tank Zam Dam Project is proposed across Tank Zam River near Hinis Tangi, at about 50 km from Tank and 116 km from D.I. Khan District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Salient Features
  • Type of Dam

Earth & Rockfill Dam with Central Clay Core  tank zam
  • Height of Dam

294 ft
  • Gross Storage

345,000 AF
  • Live Storage

162,000 AF
  • CCA  

55,500 Acres
  • Power Generation

25.4 MW

Execution by


Donor Agency

Govt. of Pakistan

Commencement Date


Completion Date


Financial Status (Rs. Million)

Local Foreign Total

PC-II (Under approval)

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PSDP Allocation 2022-2023

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Feasibility Study completed by WAPDA with funding from Govt. of KP in 1988.
Updated PC-II for Detailed Engineering Design, Tender Documents & Preparation of PC-I amounting to Rs. 212.576 million submitted to MoWR on March 22, 2018.
MoWR vide letter dated 28.01.2019 returned the PC-II for want of funds and directed to confirm the commitment of Govt. of KP to finance or co-finance the feasibility study.
WAPDA requested the Secretary of Irrigation, Govt. of KP to arrange funding for the Project Study on 21.02.2019. Govt. of KP vide letter dated 05.03.2019 informed WAPDA that no fiscal space is available with Provincial Govt. for the proposed scheme.
MoWR on 05.04.2019 requested WAPDA to resubmit the PC-II on confirmation of financing for this project other than PSDP.
Govt. of KP was requested on 24.04.2019 to consider funding the project study in the next fiscal year i.e. 2019-20 so that PC-II Proforma of the subject project could be re-submitted to MoWR for consideration.
MoWR vide letter dated 02.08.2019 informed that “subject project has no allocation in current PSDP, therefore, request of WAPDA to provide funding through PSDP cannot be entertained”.

In charge of the Project
Engr. Nazakat Hussain
General Manager (Hydro) Planning
Contact No. 0092-42-99202717

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Hydro Power (Ready For Construction)