Mangla Dam Raising

Mangla Dam Raising

Mangla District Mirpur Azad Jammu & Kashmir.
Salient Features
  • Height

30 feet raising from 1,234 ft. to 1,264 ft.

(40 ft. raise in water level)

 mangla dam raising
  • Additional Storage Capacity
2.88 MAF
  • Additional Power

644 GWh per annum                   (12% of existing generation)

Scope of Work
  • To regain the reservoir capacity lost due to sedimentation.
  • To store more water for irrigation releases.
  • To minimize conservation of flood discharges and thereby enhance Irrigation releases.
  • To enhance the annual generation of electricity.
Executing Agency WAPDA
Consultants MJV (a JV of NESPAK (lead firm) with ACE, BARQAAB, Binnie Black & VEATCH (UK), MWH (USA)
Contractor CWE-CRFG / JV M/s Gammon, Sarwar JV, Habib Rafiq (Pvt.) Ltd, DESCON            
Commencement Date June 2004
Completion Date

December 2009 (Civil Works)

Expected May 2025 (Resettlement Works)                                          


Financial Status (Rs. Million) Local Foreign Total
Revised PC-I Cost (23.09.2014) 96,855.000 - 96,855.000
PSDP Allocation for 2022-23 100.000 - 100.000
Up to date Expenditure 95,971.059 - 95,971.059


  • 2nd Revised PC-I for Rs. 111,238.82 Million was submitted to MoWR on 10.08.2017 and further submitted to MoPD&R on 10.05.2018.
  • Approval of modified/updated 2nd Revised PC-I amounting to Rs. 116.303 Billion is under process.
  • PC-I was discussed in the Pre-CDWP meeting held on 17.05.2022 and the project was recommended to CDWP with some conditions.
  • A Consultative meeting on the 2nd Revised PC-I was held on 23.08.2022 in MoPD&SI wherein PC-I was recommended for the consideration of CDWP excluding the cost of Barakas Nullah and Litigation with Contractors.

Physical Progress 99.49% (Resettlement Works 96.10%)


In charge of the Project

Engr. Riaz Khalid
Contact No. 0092-544-639005

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