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DERA BUGTI, Sep 14(APP): Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Thursday inaugurated the Rs 80 bln Kachhi Canal designed to turn 72,000 acres of barren land in Balochistan green.
Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi unveiled a plaque marking the historic occasion, as water flowed in from the Taunsa Barrage on Indus river, to irrigate virgin land in the far-flung and backward areas of Dera Bugti district of Balochistan province.

The discharge capacity of the main canal is 6,000 cusecs and 914 structures have been constructed. The 363 kilometer long main canal (out of which 351 kilometer has been lined) has been completed at a cost of about Rs. 80 billion.
Work on the Kachhi Canal was started 15 years ago, however it fell victim to gross cost overrun and long delays. Keeping in view the importance of the project it was revitalized with the active support of the Federal Government and commitment of WAPDA.  
Kachhi Canal is a vital project to ensure economic development and social uplift in the remote areas of Balochistan by promoting agriculture and agro-based economy.
With completion of Kachhi Canal Project, Balochistan will be able to draw its share of water from the Indus River System thereby enabling the local residents to cultivate their lands and accrue economic benefits.

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