More water availability in dams good omen for agriculture, hydel generation

More water availability in dams good omen for agriculture, hydel generation

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April 24, 2020: In what can be termed a good omen for agriculture and hydropower generation in Pakistan, the cumulative quantum of water available at present in Mangla, Tarbela and Chashma reservoirs is far better than that of the previous years.

According to the statistics, as much as 7.018 million acre feet (MAF) of water is available in the reservoir, which is 4.191 MAF more if compared with the corresponding day last year, and 5.496 MAF more if compared with the average of last 10 years. As of today, 2.419 MAF water is available in Tarbela, 4.423 MAF in Mangla and 0.176 MAF in Chashma. This better hydrological situation will aptly fulfill the requirement of water for agriculture in the country for the days to come.

            The more water in the reservoirs will also result in more hydel generation in the days to come with increase water indents by Indus River System Authority (IRSA) in accordance with the requirements of the provinces.

It is worth mentioning that WAPDA, despite Corona Virus pandemic, has been very effectively operating its all hydel power stations with essentially required staff by putting in place the pre-cautionary measures. Resultantly, WAPDA hydel power stations have been generating electricity exactly in accordance with the water outflows permitted by the IRSA. The peak hydel generation yesterday recorded 6510 megawatt (MW), which is 3000 MW more than that of the same date of last year. This additional hydel generation made a saving to the national exchequer of Rs. 640 million for the single day. If all goes well, the hydel generation this summer may attain record generation level of 8500 MW to 9000 MW.

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