The project area is located in Hunza district at Attabad Lake (Hunza River) Gilgit-Baltistan. The Proposed Attabad Lake Hydro Power Project has been identified in the intermediate stretch of Hunza River 29km upstream of Aliabad Village on the land slide that has resulted in formation of lake.
Salient Features
  • Gross Head
5.8 m3/sec  
  • Generation Capacity
34.5 MW
  • Annual Energy
170 GWh                               

Execution by


Scope of Work

Updating of Feasibility Study and approval of PC-I

Commencement Date  
Completion Date


Financial Status (Rs. Million) Local Foreign Total
Approved PC-II Cost (28.03.2014) 21,246.166 - 21,246.166
PSDP Allocation 2022-2023 - - -
  • Attabad Lake was created due to a massive land slide in January, 2010. Water and Power Department of Gilgit Baltistan intends to utilize this storage as an opportunity to develop Hydropower Project of appropriate capacity utilizing this potential in order to meet the ever increasing demand of Hunza City and its suburbs.
  • Later on, a meeting between Chairman WAPDA and the Chief Secretary GB was held on 17.07.2019 wherein it was mutually agreed that due to WAPDA’s expertise in this filed. WAPDA may execute the subject project. It was also requested by GoGB to incorporate “WAPDA” as executing agency in the PC-I instead of Water and Power Department, GoGB.
  • Water and Power Department, Govt. of GB shared the Feasibility Study completed by consultant with Hydro Planning in January 2020. WAPDA recommended that Feasibility Study needs to be updated with additional investigations and desk studies. WAPDA Authority approved the budget of Rs. 22 Million for carrying out the up-dation of Feasibility Study on 04.03.2020 through in-house expertise and funds have been received in August 2020.


  • A feasibility Study for an installed power of 54 MW to be connected to the Regional Grid, has been prepared. Topographic Survey, Neotechtonic survey, Geological survey & hydrographic survey have been completed.
  • PC-I amounting to Rs. 21,246.166 million has been approved by ECNEC with further direction to work out a substantial tariff structure for avoiding future financial burden on the Government.
  • To avoid the burden on the Federal Government as per the decision of ECNEC, GoGB is revising tariffs for domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors considering the returns on investment to make the project sustainable.
  • The contract was signed with the first ranked firm/JV comprising of M/s NESPAK (Lead Firm), M/s ACE, M/s PES, M/s Barqaab, and M/s Dolsar for Management Consultancy Services for Review of Feasibility Study, Procurement of EPC Contractor and Contract Management & Administration of Attabad Lake Hydropower Project on 08.06.2022.

Letter to commence for Review of Feasibility Study, Procurement of EPC Contractor, and Contract Management & Administration of Attabad Lake Hydropower Project is issued on 30.06.2022.


In charge of the Project
Engr. Iqtidar Hussain
SE/PD Attabad HPP

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