Main Dam

Main Dam

Tarebela reserviorThe main embankment of the Dam is a carefully designed, zoned structure composed of impervious core, bounded on both sides by gradually increasing sized material including coarser sands gravels cobbles and finally large sized riprap on the outer slopes. An impervious blanket, 12.8 meters at the dam and tailing to 1.52 meters at the upstream end, covers 1737 meters of the alluvial foundation on the upstream side. The dam crosses this essentially alluvial valley and connects the last points to high ground before the mountains give way to the plains. 7.32 meters thick filter drain mattress under embankment together with nearly vertical chimney drain provides the necessary facility to collect the seepage.

Consortium of thirteen European firms led by Italian firm namely IMPREGILO.

Consultants: M/s HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY International and Tippetts – Abbett – McCarthy – Stratton of USA commonly known as TAMS

Total Cost: US$ 623.0 Million

In Pictures

Tarbela (Spillw...
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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Tarbela Dam
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