The Barrage

Head Regulator

Project Main Features


M/s Pakistan Hydro Consultants as a Joint venture of 5 engineering Firms

(3 Foreigner and 2 local)

Completion Date of feasibility,                        1992

Detailed design, environmental

Studies and preparation of pre-

Qualification and tender documents

Complection date of the 

Project                                                      2003-2004

Standard Bays



The Barrage located 7 km downstream of Tarbela Dam, provides a pond which re-regulates the daily discharge from Tarbela by diverting the flow into the Power Channel. The principal features include 20 No. standard bays, 8 No. under sluices and 8 No. head regulator bays in addition to rim embankments, fuse plug and dividing island.

The Barrage can pass the design flood of 18,700 cumecs, equivalent to the flood of record, through the standard bays and under sluices at the normal pond level of El. 340 m. The fuse plug has been provided to pass the extreme flood up to the capacity of Tarbela’s spillway and tunnels equaling 46,200 cumecs.


Metric Units

British Units

Normal pond level

340 m SPD

1115.5 ft

Max. (Survival) pond level

341.5m SPD

1120.4 ft

Min Pond Storage level

334.5 m SPD

1097.4 ft

Live storage capacity

50 MCM

40535.70 Acre ft

Design flood discharge capacity          

18750 cumecs

662,200 cusecs

Survival flood capacity

46,200 cumecs

1,631,600 cusecs

Standard Bays

20 (18.3 x 8.3 m)

8 (60 x 11.5 ft)

Head regulator

8 (18.3 x 7.5 m)

8(60 x 25 ft)


In Pictures


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