Power Channel

PowerChanel Barotha

Power Channel

Ghazi Barotha Hydropower Project holds the record for the biggest concrete lined channel in the world. The channel is 51.90 km long with a concrete lining and design flow of up to 1600 cumecs at a water depth of 9 m. It has a bottom width of 58.4 m.
The Power Channel has a nearly contour alignment with hills on the left side and the land naturally draining towards the Indus River on the right side. The Power Channel intercepts fifty three nullahs (natural drains) of which twenty-seven major nullahs have been passed over the Power Channel by providing super passages.
In addition to the thirty four road bridges, including bridges for both Islamabad-Peshawar Motorway and the G.T road, there are 12 pedestrian crossings over the Power Channel.
The main railway line joining Rawalpindi to Peshawar also crosses the power channel and required the construction of the second longest single span railway bridge in Pakistan. This may be the last riveted bridge of its type, constructed in Pakistan.

Main Features

Design flow

1,600 cumecs

Longitudinal slope



51,906 m

Full supply depth

9 m

Bed width

 58.4 m

Side slope

IV: 2H

Lining thickness

135 mm



In Pictures


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