Laboratories & Workshops

Laboratories & Workshops

The Academy consists of 04 Directorates: Transmission & Distribution, Generation, Civil Engineering and Information Technology. The Academy consists of following Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Laboratories & Workshops to carry out various practical training courses directly related to the sphere of duties of the Engineering staff.


           Instrumentation and Control/PLC                                         Distribution Transformer

           Cable Jointing and Testing                                                   High Voltage

           Electronic Control Circuitry                                                  Grid System Operation

           Electrical Machines                                                              Meter Testing

           Information Technology                                                       Switchgear

           Soil & Concrete Testing

           Mechanical Instrumentation, Electrical & Welding

Simulator Center

The Academy is equipped with highly sophisticated & unique Simulators like

  1. Steam Power Plant ii) Gas Turbine iii) Grid Network iv) Analogue


IT Center

Computer literacy is one of the important components of Academy’s programmes. Computer are extensively being used in WEA in the fields of Office Management, Instructional assignments, research/Development & Software Development/ implementation.

The Computer study is part & parcel of every course. The participants of every course attend the Computer section for one week.

Computers are internally networked & high-speed Internet connectivity is available. The participants & Instructors are facilitated to complete their practical assignments/ syndicate reports & Lectures even after the end of their regular classes. They are also provided the broadband access to Internet.

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